Saturday 30 April 2011

Still time to return your census...

Thanks to all of you who have already returned your census. To the few of you who haven't please do so as soon as possible - a fair level of funding for Hackney depends on getting a good response.

Here's a few facts about you, Hackney and the 2011 Census:
  • Poor response rates could lose the Council as much as £57m per year in funding for health and Council services alone.
  • All information is confidential.
  • Everyone, regardless of nationality is required to complete the census.
  • If you don't want to be bothered by authorities, the best thing to do is to return the forms immediately - the doorknocking has started.
  • If you have not received or lost the form these can be re-ordered easily online or by calling 03000 2011 01.
  • All libraries in Hackney are providing census helpdesks throughout their opening hours.
The final day to return your form - either by post or online - is May 6. You can find more information here.

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