Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Decent Homes investment comes to Hobbs Place Estate!

The De Beauvoir Councillors are very pleased to be able to annouce that Hemsworth Court and Clinger Court on Hobbs Place Estate have been awarded Decent Homes funding.

This success comes after a long fight by Hackney Council and Councillors who have successfully convinced the government on this and therefore have successfully brought the funding to the Borough.

The work will cover the external parts of the estate's buildings, and will consist of items such as  new window and roof renewal or repairs, and with other external repair work that is deemed necessary as a result of the surveys. 

All affected residents on the estate will soon receive - if you haven't already - a letter from Lakehouse , the council's contractors, introducing themselves.  They and their surveyors will be carrying out inspections to the block to ascertain what works are required.  Should Lakehouse need to carry out an internal inspection, then they will contact you to arrange a convenient appointment.

The exact addresses being covered by this work are:

  • 1-25, 26-37, 38-49 and 50-73 Hemsworth Court
  • 1-48, 93-96 and 97-102 Clinger Court.
A resident drop in consultation event has been scheduled for early October 2011 and will be held at the Regan Way Community Hall.  The works are currently programmed to commence before the end of November.

All affected residents should by now have received a letter giving them more details. If you haven't received the letter or would like to know more please do get in contact with us at the above address.

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