Monday 11 February 2013

Changes in Recycling Collection

Hackney Council are changing the recycling collection service in the borough.

From the 1st of March residents with green boxes for kerbside collection will have them replaced with a free supply of green bags in which they can place all their dry recycling. The green bags will be placed in collection vehicles and taken away to be separated before being sent on for recycling.

The changes effect anybody who currently have a green box collection or residents of flats above shops who currently use orange bags which will now be replaced by the new green ones. 
The new green bags provide more capacity, improved ease of use and better storage.

For some people there will also be a new collection day, these residents will receive a written notice of changes from the council.

Residents will start to receive the new bags from 13th of February.

For all the details visit the Hackney Council recycling website.

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