Over the weekend, a consultation form and supporting documents were delivered to residents in De Beauvoir living on the north of the Regent's Canal who will be affected by a new "cycling permeability scheme" being proposed by Hackney Council and which runs through the area.
Encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport is one of the Council’s key transport priorities. To achieve this, Hackney Council has developed a programme to improve cycle permeability (how cyclists ride through our streets) on both the main London Cycle Network and local routes.
A link between Canal Walk path, De Beauvoir Estate and Culford Road has been identified as a key local connection for cyclists, particularly for those travelling to and from the Grand Union (Regent’s Canal) towpath. The number of cyclists using this route is expected to grow in the future and so the Council is looking at ways to better accommodate pedestrians and cyclists in the same space as safely as possible.
The Proposals include:
- Formalising a shared space for pedestrians and cyclists on Canal Walk path by introducing signing and dropping the kerb on Canal Walk
- Formalising a cycle route through the De Beauvoir Estate and Culford Road by dropping kerbs and removing some of the street furniture (bollards and a guardrail)
- Repaving the footpath on Canal Walk with material more suitable for shared space facilities
- Relocating the existing gate and bollards on Balmes Road to improve access for cyclists, resurfacing the affected area and dropping the kerb
- Trimming and replanting the green areas on Canal Walk
- Reducing the height of the wall leading to Canal Walk to increase visibility and personal security
- Removing one parking space on Canal Walk to create a clear access to the path.

This is a key point on the east-west route for cyclists and it's a point at which the use of the canal towpath can become hazardous and stressful for both pedestrians and cyclists during busy periods. The scheme will offer a route parallel to the canal towpath to decrease congestion there.
We think that this scheme will make a real improvement to the space and that it will also help to ward off crime in the area because there will be more pedestrians and cyclists passing through it.
Have your Say
If you have received a consultation pack, please let Hackney Council know what you think about the proposals by filling in the comments form and returning it in the addressed envelope provided by Friday 14th March 2014.
If you have not received the consultation documents you can visit the Hackney Service Centre behind the Town Hall on Mare Street, or call 020 8356 2897, or email info@hackney.gov.uk
What happens next?
Subject to feedback from the consultation process, it is expected that works would be programmed to commence during summer 2014.
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