Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Statement on November 30th strikes

The following statement has been released by Hackney's Labour Councillors regarding the strikes that are due to occur in Hackney and across the country tomorrow.

Hackney's Labour Councillors believe that the Local Government Pension Scheme is a good quality pension scheme that benefits from being funded and locally managed. 

We believe that the proposals from the Government are not an attempt to ensure that the pension scheme is sustainable but are in reality a savings exercise as none of the additional revenue will go towards improving the financial security of the scheme.

We believe that the government's intransigence has increased the possibility of industrial action.

Hackney's Labour Councillors support the work of the trades unions in raising awareness of this issue and local government employees in defending their pension scheme. We regret the potential implications for local residents and service users of industrial action but we have confidence that the most vital services will be maintained. Labour councillors recognise that trade unions members have an entirely legitimate grievance in a dispute that is not of their making.

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