Monday, 9 April 2012

Hackney Pirates

The Hackney Pirates are an after-school charity organisation aiming to develop the literacy and creativity of the young people of Hackney which was set up in 2010 by locals interested in supporting young people in the borough.

At their HQ in Downham Road, the Pirates work with young people, giving one-to-one attention in a fun space. Young Pirates can get extra help with homework and also work on creating professionally produced products such as books and CDs. 

The Pirates are always on the lookout for volunteers to come aboard. New crew members are required to attend a short evening training session and complete a Criminal Records Bureau form.

If you can spare some time to help with their work you can write to them at or at the Pirate HQ: 1-9 Downham Road, London, N1 5AA.

Residents interested in learning more can see additional details on the Hackney Pirates on their website, and they can be seen in action on their YouTube channel.

Parents, teachers and youth workers who would like to refer a young person to the Hackney Pirates can contact Camilla Cook for details on the referral process.

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